At the center of your skeletal system, your spine is surprisingly fragile, and so are the muscles around it. Whether you hurt your back all at once, or over time, you can definitely feel the injury when it arises. Anyone who has experienced a painful back injury knows that ...
There are many occupations where back injuries can occur. From heavy lifting and physical exertion to awkward and static work postures, there are a ...
Workers' Comp & Personal Injury: The Role of Third Party Liability
When a worker is injured on the job and more than one company is involved, or more than one person, a standard workers’ compensation claim may not be ...
Toxic exposure can be spurred by various chemical poisons, gases, smoke, pesticides, motor fuels, and other irritants. If any of the aforementioned ...
3 of the Most Dangerous Occupations in America You Never Would Have Guessed
In 2010, 4,547 fatal accidents occurred in the workplace. In 2012, this increased to 4,693 casualties, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. ...
When most people think of hospitals, they imagine a place where people can be treated for injuries and illnesses. However, many people fail to realize ...
Workplace Fatalities on the Rise in Virginia, Officials Urge Vigilance
A rise in workplace deaths has sparked concern across Virginia, and state officials are urging residents and employers to take greater vigilance when ...
According to reports recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employees sustain more injuries during June, July, and August than any other months ...